4 BR2 BA10 GuestsOceanfront The Shoreline1The Shoreline (9)The Shoreline (12)View from Front DoorLiving, Dining and KitchenLivingLivingDining and LivingDiningDining and KitchenKitchenKitchenKitchenKitchenBedroom 1Bedroom 1Bedroom 1Bathroom 1Bedroom 2Bedroom 2Bedroom 3Bedroom 3Bathroom 2Bathroom 2Bedroom 4Bedroom 4Washer & Dryer1718201922232425262728The Shoreline (2)The Shoreline (3)The Shoreline (4)The Shoreline (5)The Shoreline (6)The Shoreline (7)The Shoreline (8)The Shoreline (11)The Shoreline (14)The Shoreline (15)The Shoreline (16)The Shoreline (17)The Shoreline (18)The Shoreline (19)The Shoreline (20)29303132 Request infoView AvailabilityFeatured AmenitiesLinens IncludedOceanfrontWest Beach