2 BR2 BA5 GuestsCaswell Beach Master BedroomA Seaside Escape - OIBV 707A Seaside Escape - OIBV 707KitchenKitchenKitchenDining and LivingDining and LivingDiningLivingLivingLivingBedroom 1 - MasterBedroom 1Bedroom 1Bedroom 1 - View from BalconyBathroom 1HallwayBedroom 2Bedroom 2Washer & DryerBathroom 2View from BalconyView from BalconyView from BalconyView from BalconyView from BalconyView from BalconyView from BalconyView from BalconyEntranceBoardwalk to BeachBeach AccessA Seaside Escape - OIBV 707A Seaside Escape - OIBV 707A Seaside Escape - OIBV 707A Seaside Escape - OIBV 707A Seaside Escape - OIBV 707A Seaside Escape - OIBV 707 Request infoView AvailabilityFeatured AmenitiesCaswell BeachCommunity Pool AccessOceanfrontWireless Internet